Event Details

Women's Bible Study: Abide in and Believe in Me Tuesday Morning

An in-depth study of John 14-16 and Luke 22-24:

Join us this year as we study Jesus’ last message in John 14-16 and His death and resurrection in Luke 22-24. During the fall semester we will study what He shared with His disciples after the Last Supper according to John and in the spring semester we will study Luke’s detailed account of His arrest, trials, death, and resurrection. See a further description of the John and Luke studies below. 

Abide in Me: Devotion and Dependence on Jesus Christ – an in-depth study of John 14-16

Can you imagine Jesus’ burden for His disciples right before His death? He knew what was about to happen and why. As you study John 14-16, you will learn how Jesus prepared His disciples for life after His death, resurrection, and ascension. You will better understand His incredible promise that the Father would send the Holy Spirit. You will grasp, as the disciples did, that you cannot do anything on your own, but must be dependent on Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, to do what He has commanded. And that is – to bear much fruit. To love as He loved.

Join us in this in-depth study of Jesus’ private message to His disciples on the eve of His arrest. You’ll find that it was spoken for you as well. Jesus’ exhortation to “Abide in Me” is a precious opportunity for intimacy with Him.

Believe in Me: The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ – an in-depth study of Luke 22-24

What do you know about the hours before and after Jesus’ death? What do you believe really happened?

This study of the final events of Jesus’ life on earth is an eye-opening, gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, faith-strengthening exercise. You’ll learn from Luke’s carefully researched account that Judas the traitor was influenced by Satan. That the disciples abandoned Jesus. That the Jewish religious leaders broke their own laws. That powerful people testified to Jesus’ innocence. That Jesus was crucified and declared dead…

And that He rose from the dead! He appeared in the flesh to many men and women.

Jesus knew that He was the Son of God and knew why He had been sent to earth. He obeyed His Father’s will for Him, laying down His life for the forgiveness of sins. His death, resurrection, and ascension were the actions that provided redemption and regeneration.

Discover all this and more in Luke 22-24. Jesus offered freedom from sin, a relationship with His holy Father, and an eternal life of joy when He said “Believe in Me.”



Date/Time:9/12/2023 9:30 AM - 3/26/2024 12:00 PM   Add To Your Calendar
Location: - Adult Classrooms - 2nd Floor
Contact:Erika Partenheimer