Event Details

People Pleasing: The Perils and a Better Path

Questions to ask yourself to know if this group would benefit you:

Do you often analyze your words after social interactions, replaying them self-critically in your mind?
Do you prefer to stay silent and "keep the peace" to make others happy?
Do you make decisions based on what others want rather than what God asks of you?
Do you avoid situations because you're afraid of what others might think of you?

If these things are true, please consider attending this women's group, “Pleasing People: The Perils and a Better Path" This nine-session women's group will walk you through the process of seeing the roots that lie beneath your people pleasing in a supportive and safe environment. You will grow in a deeper understanding of who God is, who you are, and how to change your interactions with the people God has placed on your path. This group is different from a Bible Study- it is a focused group that seeks to go  deep together to help you  walk in freedom. Expect a vulnerable atmosphere, in-session activities, weekly homework assignments, and support in the journey.  The group is FREE, but registration is required.  Individual books will be provided for reading assignments. 

This group is open only to female members and regular attendees with a maximum of 10 individual registrations, so seats are limited

The all women's group meets weekly on Thursdays for 9 weeks
Dates: September 12 through November 14 (no class on October 31)
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Location: CC120
Facilitator: Andi Carter
Cost: FREE
Minimum age: 18 (females only)
No Childcare Provided

Date/Time:9/12/2024 6:30 PM - 11/14/2024 8:00 PM   Add To Your Calendar
Location:Children's Center - 1st Floor
Contact:Melissa Dement